Thursday, August 24, 2017

[Falcon 4 BMS] Mirage 2000-5 : Learning the Countermeasure Dispensing Set

This flight focuses on learning the use of CMDS in the Mirage 2000-5.

CMDS on, RDR Stand-by
For this purpose I have created a tactical engagement with a single SA-2 site based in Syria.
The aim is to fly there, tease him and try to avoid his missiles.

The CMDS has 7 different modes: OFF, STBY, MAN, SEMI, AUTO and BYP. All are described in the "T.O. BMS1F-16CM-1" document.

CMDS in auto mode

There are also 6 programs that can be set through the data-cartridge. Each program describes a sequence of chaffs and flares launched.

The four first can be selected via the RMFD and activated through the CMS-UP command on the stick.
By default settings are :
Program 1: 1 chaff and 1 flare
Program 2: This program is set to escape Air-air threats.
Program 3: Air ground pop-up with chaff and 1 flare only
Program 4: Air ground pop-up with both chaffs and flares

Program number 5 is the Slap swith (key S) wich is used versus unknown threats.

Program 6 is launched via CMS-LEFT command

Once in flight, I follow my flight plan and carry on the Fence-in procedure. Note that the use of CMDS made me modify my check-lists and they are now 9.5. I will publish it soon!

On the picture below, we can see the SA-2 lighting us:

SA-2 on the RWR
Coming closer triggers the launch of missiles:

Missile inbound
Keeping them in my 9 and launching chaffs and flares was enough to deceive them.

Chaff and Flares sequences
In deed it was really easy to evade this SA-2. Next step will be to play with more advanced SAM...

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