Monday, August 28, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017

[Falcon 4 BMS] Mirage 2000-5 : Learning the Countermeasure Dispensing Set

This flight focuses on learning the use of CMDS in the Mirage 2000-5.

CMDS on, RDR Stand-by
For this purpose I have created a tactical engagement with a single SA-2 site based in Syria.
The aim is to fly there, tease him and try to avoid his missiles.

The CMDS has 7 different modes: OFF, STBY, MAN, SEMI, AUTO and BYP. All are described in the "T.O. BMS1F-16CM-1" document.

CMDS in auto mode

There are also 6 programs that can be set through the data-cartridge. Each program describes a sequence of chaffs and flares launched.

The four first can be selected via the RMFD and activated through the CMS-UP command on the stick.
By default settings are :
Program 1: 1 chaff and 1 flare
Program 2: This program is set to escape Air-air threats.
Program 3: Air ground pop-up with chaff and 1 flare only
Program 4: Air ground pop-up with both chaffs and flares

Program number 5 is the Slap swith (key S) wich is used versus unknown threats.

Program 6 is launched via CMS-LEFT command

Once in flight, I follow my flight plan and carry on the Fence-in procedure. Note that the use of CMDS made me modify my check-lists and they are now 9.5. I will publish it soon!

On the picture below, we can see the SA-2 lighting us:

SA-2 on the RWR
Coming closer triggers the launch of missiles:

Missile inbound
Keeping them in my 9 and launching chaffs and flares was enough to deceive them.

Chaff and Flares sequences
In deed it was really easy to evade this SA-2. Next step will be to play with more advanced SAM...

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Multisim World Map updated

With the release of the new  Nordic Theater for F4 BMS, I've updated my world map (click to enlarge) :

Multisim World Map