Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Major changes in the blog

Considering that this Blog has been offline for a long time and that it had already occurred several times in the past I am giving up one of the major rules of my flights : continuity.

You may have noticed that each flight started where the previous one had stopped. Regardless of the simulator I used. That was nice in the beginning, giving a long flight record as you can see on the map below :

Yet that was too much restrictive and I couldn't fly the simulator I wanted to unless it had a map of the world area I was supposed to be in. Most of the time it meant flying with FSX to move to an area that was existing in another simulator like DCS World or Falcon 4 BMS.

As I don't have much time to fly these days, I couldn't stand this rule and I realize now that it was the main reason for not being able to publish on this Blog.

As a conclusion, I will now fly kinds of "snapflights" regardless of the virtual location or anything else...

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